Friday, April 13, 2018

I would be

I would be wife to all the gurus, apostle to all the nutjobs,
Child to every conceivable elder, starry-eyed novitiate 
Climbing the stairs of each religion, heart flung to the gods.
Human beings fly sideways through snowy air, sentences
On their tongues like pearls, crazy and true holy in all the same
Breaths. On our knees in despair ecstasy. Hoping.
Taste the baby flakes, know this world is built of dust worlds,
Crumble castles before the tide, and still we build, higher,
More fabulous still. Enormous hands with tiny pails and shovels,
Building by stolen moonlight. I would be guru to all the wives,
Nutjob to every apostle, elder to every child fashioned by giants,
Gods, bumbling humans. The singsong in your eyes.
My gurus sit drunk, wax angry, swim circles.
My nutjobs scale fantasy peaks, drive pickups.
My elders grow younger, my gods dance close.
My humans grow old, crazy and holy in all their breaths.


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