Saturday, March 31, 2018

Napowrimo 2018, Day 0

It's April of 2018. I love April, I come alive in April, I write poems all month long. I usually try to write at least one poem a day that responds to the prompts at the wonderful

I also usually write some ghazals, some landays, some sonnets, some forms I make up, some things about my body, some things about my mother and father . . .  Last year I planned to focus on my feet, the ground they've walked on, what they do. I might try to do more of that this year. Also maybe write some world-building poems? We'll see what comes up. Usually if I like a particular prompt or new form that gets introduced I'll come back to it in subsequent days.

This morning, which was technically yesterday morning, March 31st, I was lying in bed in the morning and found the prompt for day one. Wrote this poem. I'll say below what the prompt was.


too gold and green to live
too big to go around
too sparkly to ignore

take you out
dance in you
want you back

too thick and rich not to touch
too handmedown not to breathe
too wrinkled to matter

gave you away
handed you off
drove in the other direction

on someone else's hips
in some other woman's closet
dancing without me in Oakland

have nothing left to wear
nothing left to shimmy in

nothing left to say


[The prompt was to write a love poem to an inanimate object.]

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